Dr. R. SANKAR, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
P.G. & Research Department of Microbiology
Dr. R. Sankar is currently working as a faculty in the Department of Microbiology, Asan Memorial College of Arts and Science from June 2015. Before joining the college, he was working as a Principal Scientist an Industry for 2 years. He holds his full time Doctoral Degree from Department of Microbiology – Zoology, University of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. He is a passionate academician and his area of specialization is Marine Microbiology. He has authored 8 Papers in National and International Journals. He also presented his research topics in various conferences and seminars. He has guided more than 10 M.Sc. Student Project.
Ph.D. Thesis Title:
Bioactivity of Marine invertebrates with special reference to anticancer principle of Zoobotryon verticillatum.